Heel pain (Plantar fasciitis)

Plantar fasciitis is the inflammation of the plantar fascia tendon. This is a muscle that spans from the heel bone into the MTPJs. Pain from plantar fasciitis can be debilitating, it strikes the most in the morning and after sitting down for long periods. Some of the causes of plantar fasciitis can be poor supportive footwear, obesity, flat feet or long hours weightbearing. Plantar fasciitis can sometimes resolve on its own. Other times treatment is required which involves: stretches, icing, orthotics, dry needlingcorticosteroid injections or in extreme cases surgery. The longer treatment is delayed, the greater the impact on quality of life and the duration of treatment. Our Podiatrists are trained to identify the cause of this problem and provide you with the most appropriate treatment plan to help you get back on your feet pain-free quickly.


This is when a fluid filled sac at the back of the heel becomes inflamed. It can be caused by footwear pressure, tightening of the calf muscles or landing incorrectly on your heel. Our Podiatrists can diagnose this problem with an ultrasound and can recommend certain footwear or orthoses to help reduce the pressure on the back of the heels.


Osteoathritis is also known as degenerative or “wear and tear” arthritis, is a very common condition, especially in ageing feet. Our feet are made up of 28 bones separated by cartilage. As the cartilage in between the bones starts to wear away over the years people may experience symptoms such as pain, stiffness and swelling. This may sometimes cause difficulty when walking. Our Podiatrists will assess your feet and may even organise for an X-ray to confirm which areas are affected by the osteoarthritis. We may also prescribe you a pair of custom-made orthotics to provide your feet with support and cushioning to assist in treating the symptoms caused by osteoarthritis.

Morton’s neuroma 

Morton’s neuroma is a painful condition where the nerves are compressed between the metatarsals. This can occur between the 2nd- 3rd toes and 3rd -4th toes. Morton’s neuroma is very common in females particularly those who wear high heel shoes. When there is repeated compression on the forefoot such as with narrow shoes or bunions the tissue around the nerves thicken and swell causing a neuroma.  This places pressure on the nerves which can cause pain in the forefoot as well as numbness. Often a clicking sound can be heard whilst walking.

At Glad Feet Podiatry our podiatrists will listen to your complaint, perform an assessment on your feet and may watch you walking in order to assess whether you have a Morton’s neuroma. We may also refer you for an ultrasound on your foot. Once diagnosed we can provide you with conservative treatment such footwear advice, in-shoe padding such as domes that splay the bones to allow more space for the nerves, and we may also prescribe custom-made orthotics that may reduce the pressure on the metatarsals.

Achilles’ tendon pain

Pain in the Achilles tendon can occur when there is inflammation in the area, and is commonly known as Achilles tendonitis.  The Achilles tendon is a strong muscle that connects the calf muscle to the heel bone. The name Achilles tendon originated from the story of Troy when a warrior named Achilles was killed by being shot with an arrow into his heel. This tendon connecting the heel to the calf became known as the Achilles tendon.

With Achilles tendonitis, you may experience the following symptoms:

Pain in the back of the heel

Swelling, tenderness and warmth around the muscle

Pain whilst walking

Heightened sense of pain during the first few steps in the morning or after sitting down for extended periods of time. This pain tends to alleviate after some mild activity

Achilles tendonitis can be caused by stressing of the tendon as a result of an injury, being overweight, running, poor supportive footwear or having flat feet.

At Glad Feet Podiatry our Podiatrists can assist in treating this condition by providing you with both short-term and long-term solutions such as inserts in your shoes to reduce the pressure on the Achilles tendon and exercises to stretch and strengthen the tendon to assist in your recovery.

Stress fracture

Stress fractures are hairline fractures which can occur in the heel bone. They are commonly caused by running, heavy landing sports or taking up a a strenuous activity without the right preparation. Our Podiatrists can help to identify this problem and can provide you with a CAM walker to reduce the pressure on your heel to aid in its healing.

Atrophy of fat pad

This is a condition which may develop in the ball of the foot as the fat that cushions the bones diminishes. These cushions are designed to absorb shock whilst walking and without them people experience pain in the ball of the feet. Our Podiatrists can assess your feet and provide you with the right footwear advice and also recommend special gel cushions which we have at our clinic to go into your footwear to provide you with some shock absorption.

We may also watch you walking to assess whether there are other factors that may be aggravating this condition such as flat feet and may recommend custom made orthotics to correct the posture of your foot.

If you are suffering from any of the above conditions call Glad Feet Podiatry today on (03) 90773239 and we can help you.