At Glad Feet Podiatry we are faced with foot problems on a daily basis. Here is a list of the possible problems and how we can help you.

Ingrown toenails

An ingrown toenail  results from the edge of the toenail growing down and into the soft skin on the side of the toe. There is associated pain, redness, swelling and at times pus may be present. The big toe is particularly prone to this painful condition. Ingrown toenails can be caused by incorrect trimming technique, trauma (such as stubbing your toe), nails that naturally curve too sharply or wearing tight shoes. Depending on the severity of the Ingrown toenail our Podiatrist can treat this problem. During its early stages an Ingrown toenail can be treated in a few minutes providing you with much needed relief.

If the Ingrown toenail has been longstanding then our Podiatrists are trained to perform a surgical procedure to correct this problem. The Surgery is performed at our Clinic underneath a Local Anaesthetic. The nail edge is permanently removed and you are able to return to work within a few days of the procedure. This procedure can also be claimable under your Private Health Fund.

Athlete’s foot

This is a fungal infection that occurs in the foot, it is very common in between the toes and on the arches. When your feet are kept warm, you may perspire causing the skin to become a perfect environment for a fungal infection to manifest. People may notice an area of red skin that peels and might even be itchy. Often it can be misdiagnosed as dry skin. Our Podiatrist can diagnose the problem and recommend some anti-fungal medication as well as advise you on ways to minimize its spread.

Cracked heels

More often than not, people experience cracked heels during winter even though their feet are covered. Often people can become complacent about moisturising their skin and staying hydrated during winter. These can both lead the skin to dry and crack especially around the heels. Cracked heels can be very painful to walk on and can sometimes bleed or become infected. Our Podiatrist can remove all this hard skin and help to restore their healthy texture. They will also recommend one of our moisturisers which targets cracked heels. You’ll be amazed at the results.

Smelly feet

As mentioned earlier our feet need to be kept warm by wearing socks and shoes during the cooler months. But keeping them covered at all times can also mean they smell. This is particularly a problem if your feet perspire. When combined with synthetic materials found in your hosiery and footwear this creates a perfect breeding ground for bacteria and other germs to grow, producing the embarrassing scents. Our podiatrists can have a look at the cause of this problem and discuss with you ways you can eliminate the smell through products and general foot care.

Corns and Callous

Often when your feet are tucked away underneath your socks and constrictive shoes for months, pressure can cause areas of your skin to thicken causing corns or callous. These can be painful to walk on depending on how long you have had them for and how deep they are. It is recommended that you don’t attempt to remove them yourself as you can make the problem worse. Our Podiatrists can gently remove them and give you advice on how to prevent them from recurring.

Thickened toenails

These may occur due to genetic predisposition (at least you can blame someone for it). Pressure from constrictive footwear or steel cap boots can also be contributing factors. Ageing is a natural cause of the toenails thickening. It can sometimes lead to them discolouring and becoming painful when wearing footwear. Our Podiatrists have the right tools to help reduce the thickness of the toenails. We aim to not only improve their appearance but to also reduce the pressure under the nails which can cause pain and callous.

Fungal toenails 

A fungal toenail infection can occur in one or multiple toenails. It may appear as: discolouration of the toenails, thickening of the toenails, lifting of the toenail from the nail bed or a white discharge that may smell like cheese.

This can sometimes be an embarrassing problem prompting people to cover it with socks and nail polish which can cause it to spread over time. Fungal toenails are generally painless, however when the nail becomes thick it can cause pain when wearing shoes.

This is where a Podiatrist can assist you by:

Collecting a sample of your fungal toenail and sending it away to a Pathology Laboratory to assess the nature of the infection.

Thinning your fungal toenails out using specialised equipment which may provide you with instant pressure relief.

Recommending natural anti-fungal products to assist in reducing the infection in the toenail and preventing re-infection.

We also have an exciting new treatment available at our clinic called Photodynamic therapy. Using a special gel and safe light therapy we can treat your unsightly toenails over only 4-5 treatments. Conditions apply.

Plantar warts (Papilloma)

A plantar wart is a viral skin infection which can be contagious. The virus appears as a raised discoloured area on the skin and can be painful or itchy. People often catch this virus whilst on holidays or at the swimming pool. Plantar warts are sometimes misdiagnosed as corns and the longer they are untreated, the larger the virus grows, resulting in a longer treatment plan. There are several treatment options that our Podiatrists can suggest. Our podiatrists can also advise you on how to protect yourself from being infected again.

If you are suffering from any of the above foot problems call Glad Feet Podiatry today on (03) 90773239 and we will help you.